Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tenwek Letter 4

Tenwek Mission Letter 4

29 November 2008

Well, today was such a fun day on the compound with the excitement of our annual Thanksgiving Kipegange. It was at 3:30pm in a new location (to us), the atrium of the surgery building. I brought two cans of Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce and also made my carrot soufflé. The meal of turkey and all the trimmings was yummy! We had over 60 people there, including the president of WGM, Hubert Harriman and his wife, plus a "surprise" family from the Congo. They just arrived from fleeing the violence there.

Bryan's on call this weekend. (That's all he said, when I asked what he wanted me to say about his weekend. J)

I would like to extend the invitation of supporting a career missionary family on to you. As most of you know, on our last trip, we helped the Manchester family pack up their belongings to return to the States to begin raising money to come full-time. We were so looking forward to spending this trip helping them unpack…. We're saddened that we are not able to do that. They are have 75% of 100% of the funds needed to return to Kenya. They are all packed in the States. Plus, their oldest son, Nick, is doing his Rift Valley Academy (RVA) courses on line, hopefully securing his spot at RVA when they are able to return to Tenwek. Dr. Manchester, Steve, is a family Practice doctor who also is very involved with Tenwek's Hospice program. Theresa is extremely gifted in hospitality and home-schools their two younger sons, Peter and Wil. If you would like to help the Manchester Family hurry on back to Kenya, either with one-time donations or monthly support please email us at ASAP.


Please keep Dr. Bob Wesche in your prayers. He fell on part of the uneven sidewalk last night and lacerated his head. Dr. Russ White told Bryan he was up half the night sewing him back up. So, unfortunately, they were not at our Thanksgiving celebration.

Dr. Wesche (general surgeon) and Aunt Dora have served Tenwek for many faithful years.

Tomorrow is church, of course, so we get to see some more friends that we still haven't seen.

Also, please pray for all three of us. We think Wil got a cold from Meredith Friess and he's passed it onto his parents. He has a runny nose, cough, and low-grade temperature. He's slept quite well, given the circumstances.

Again, we hope this email reaches you happy and healthy!

In Him,
Jane, Bryan, and Wil Myers

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