Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Fun in Nairobi

We again stayed at Hampton House our last night in country. We took in the new Westgate mall (across from Ukay), ate lunch at Artcaffee (at Westgate), helped Jenny grocery shop, eat with friends at Osteria del Chianti, go to the annual Christmas Fair, take Wil to the Giraffe Center and Kazuri Beads in Karen, shop at Amani Yaa Juu, and eat at Medeterraneo at Junction, and eat our last meal at Java ABC. Here are a few pictures.....
Wil LOVING his part of the cart in Nakumatt!
Bryan's quote, "This is a life saver!"
Wil riding with a new friend at Westgate mall, while I was helping Jenny shop.
Wil on the mini carousel.
Look what you can get at the Zebra Dukas! You never know...what will show up!
Dinner at one of our favorite places in Nairobi--Osteria del Chianti!
Wil asleep after dinner with friends.
The playground at Amani Yaa Juu (one of my FAVORITE places to shop).
Wil going through the tunnel at Amani.
Wil sliding at Amani.
Amani's most recent building.
Wil petting Amani's warthog.
Wil, Maggie, and me. Maggie ALWAYS recognizes us. (PS, Julie G., she passes on her SHOUT of Congratulations for your pregnancy!!!)
Wil's handprint at Java ABC.
Wil playing with the spigot at Java during breakfast.

The following are pictures of the Giraffe center. You can't tell too much, but Wil just laughed and laughed when we fed the giraffes!

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