Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Wil's First Day of Preschool! August 11, 2009

Wesley Preschool Open House

The following is Wil's room for preschool. His teacher is Mrs. Leann and assistant is Ms. Betty. The last picture is Wil playing on the church playground.

Dalton Reunion Day, August 1, 2009

What a good day we had.... To kick the day off, Wil wanted to wear his NEW shoes--the boots. So, we went out and he decided he wanted Grandfather's hat, too. Here are a few pictures.

Then we headed to Blount County, Sims Pond, where the annual Dalton Reunion takes place. The first picture is of Wil and I in front of Wil's Great-Great Grandfather Tate's truck. The others are of scenes around the pond, Wil loving the sand pile, the seven Dalton siblings, etc....