Monday, October 27, 2008

Harvest Party Fun

Sunday evening, we went to our church's Fall Festival/Harvest Party. There were carnival-type games that the kids (and some adults) participated in to get candy and a time for each child to go on stage to proudly show their costumes. It was SO much fun!

Our little zebra straight from the Maasai Mara!!!
Wil and Jenna.
This is the first time I've seen a bumble bee around a zebra.
"The Girls", Nora & Natalie, welcoming Wil to the party!
THE bumble bee (Auntie Babs), me, Wil.
An overview.
Two witches and a bunny...L-R Dawn, Wanda, & Sarah
Mikey Bunter and Wil. (Mikey toured Wil around almost all evening! Wil loved being with MIkey. I tried to take him a few times and Wil would not have it! Also, I'm sure he liked being up high (Mikey's tall) to see everything. THANKS MIKEY!
Some of the tasteful costumes.
Wil found a BIG pumpkin.
Mr. Alligator with his dad.
Wil looking at the fish with Mikey.
Wanda, Mikey, and Wil
Wil and Isabelle modeling for the group.
Running away.
Natalie giving Wil a hug.
Zebra Undone
Kelly and Wanda

1 comment:

Tim and Anna said...

Jane - I love the zebra costume! Where did you find it? Wil is so adorable!!! It looks like you figured out how to post more than 5pictures too. Have a great one and have fun voting - the lines here are crazy!