Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Belinda & Chad's Wedding Day!

Belinda Myers and Chad Black were married on October 4, 2008, at the Willis Family Farm, Hillsboro, TN. It was a beautiful day for the wedding! Also, the reception was just a few minutes away at her parents' home. Belinda & Chad, we're so happy for you both! We love you. Bryan, Jane, and Wil (aka Pumpkin).
Belinda on her special day.
Belinda watching Wil enjoy the buggy ride and horse!
We're enjoying the shade!
The Bill Myers Family.
Grandpa Myers and Wil.
A shot with Mrs. Parker.
Wil and Dad.
The Brothers-In-Law (by marriage): Jeff, Chad, and Bryan
Drs. Chad & Belinda Black
Chad & Belinda heading to the reception.
Wil asleep between the ceremony and reception.
Centerpieces at the reception.
Chad and Belinda with Chad's parents.
Chad and Belinda with Bill & Bobbie.
Belinda and Chad off to their honeymoon!:)

1 comment:

mackyton said...

Belinda & Chad's Wedding Day was so special. The venue that this couple has selected is very soothing. Even it is my desire to get married in the lap of the nature and this is why I am creating a list of best Hillside Chicago venues. Hopefully, will find a good location within our budget.