Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Opryland Hotel, Wil's First Visit!

During the first week of August, Bryan invited Wil and me to stay at The Opryland Hotel while he was at conference. Wil LOVED watching everything--the plants, water, people, shops, etc. Even when we (Wil and I) were "lost" for 45 minutes, he just loved it. For our last dinner in Nashville, my friend, Heather Bennett (from college), met us and we loved visiting with her. I always love visiting with Heather! Here are some pictures of our hotel experience.:)
Family picture!:)
Wil pulling up and walking back and forth on the railing.
Wil waiting on Dad to finish with one of his lectures.
Wil with "Divine", a lady with stilts on her legs and arms, VERY neat!
Wil with the horses outside the "Opry" shop.

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