Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Wil Slept Through The Night!

Yes, I was scraping for Wil's baby book! Wil slept through the night Saturday night (7:20pm-6:10am)! Of course, like all new Mom's I woke up (at 5:15am) in a slight panic!:) Also, I would like to report that last night, Monday, Wil slept from 6:30pm to 6:20am. Who knows for how long it will last, but we're thrilled!:) (FYI: for the HEALTHY SLEEP HABITS, HAPPY CHILD readers, I've noticed a significant difference in the ease in which he goes down for his first two naps! Guess, he's getting enough sleep.)


A Southern Homeschooling Family said...

That's great! Josephine didn't sleep through the night until she was 18 months old! I hope Wil keeps it up (or down ;)).

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!! Can Wil come to our house & teach Samuel his tricks????